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Текст видеофрагмента "SETI Institute - Search for the Extraterrestrial Intelligence" (с сайта youtube) и вопросы к нему.


При изучении темы "Communication" в 11 классе по УМК "Spotlight" ученики работают с текстом "Hello... Is anyone out there?", в котором дана информация о комплексной программе поиска внеземной жизни. Для расширения темы вы можете скачать с сайта youtube видео "SETI Institute - Search for the Extraterrestrial Intelligence" и проделать упражнения к нему.

Human attempts to contact an alien race have only become more advanced. Ever since 1961 leading astronomers and scientists around the world have engaged in a program called SETI - the search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. The mission said in the quote is to explore, understand and explain the origin, nature and prevalence of life in the universe. One of it’s primary facilities is the Alien telescope array in Hat Creek California - 290 miles northeast of San Francisco. The array is a collection of radio telescopes designed and parked to survey thousands of stars for possible broadcast an electronic contact from deep space. The team begins their investigation into alien contact at the array with senior astronomer Seth Shostak. “The idea is that all these little antennas when connected together can actually
operate like one big one. It's in fact just a big metal ear we can aim at nearby stars and hope to pick up something. Everything that we found out about the universe in the past 20 30 40 years is of more than one direction, namely that what's happened on this planet may not be a miracle. You're saying that the universe could be filled with life. It's looking more more optimistic. All the time chances seem pretty good. But in Fort Worth indicate any legitimate signal - said he - must first sit through the congested traffic of signals that originate from Earth. Government in telecommunications satellites must be ruled out, radar from local airplanes and airports disqualified and other manmade interference like radio and TV signals discounted. The process sometimes produces the sort of the scientists refer to as false alarms signals that at first appear to have a extraterrestrials source. One of the city's most controversial alarms was the WoW signal detected on August 15 1977 at the SETI project at Ohio State University. The signal we'll see on a computer printout by doctor Jerry Hartman who circled it and called WOW. He was amazed that the data closely resembled what they thought and alien signal might look like. The strong signal lasted for 72 seconds and it seemed to have further characteristics that were not consistent with earthly or solar system origins. Within about a minute after that signal was detected, the second receiver on that antenna looked in the same spot on the sky at the same spot on the radio dial, it didn't see it. So when you see something once is not science. But there could be possible justification for the signals disappearance. If an alien beacon was transmitting a signal intermittently, the telescopes would need to be pointed at the original source point until the next signal arrived. But scientists have no idea how long that cycle could be - it could take minutes, hours, days or even years for the next one to arrive. Since scientists pointed the array at areas they found interesting on that day. It is possible to miss a transmission if the dishes are pointed away. Several attempts have been made to find the WOW signal since. But with no further appearances, scientists left without an explanation. There are people like me who believe that there is intelligent life out there and they believe it enough to actually be listening 24/7. Inside the arrays” lap the team sees first hand the detailed process of how the SETI scientists search for evidence of alien contact. We have 56 million channels are out there now and we are sampling them once a second but that’s 56 megabytes a second. We’ve actually discovered that we have a lot in common with Seth Shostak and the people in SETI. We are really looking for the same thing, some sort of proof that we have some cosmic company. You say they are there, we say they're here. Ideally we can meet in the middle. The array will eventually expand to 350 telescopes and army of tools that will help survey over 100,000 stars and return 1,000 times more data in the next 20 years than all projects worldwide have accumulated to date. With this power SETI hopes to help first contact with an extraterrestrial broadcast by the year 2025

Attempt – попытка
Advanced – продвинутый
Engage – вовлекать
Prevalence – распространение
Facility – приспособление
Array – станция
Survey – проводить исследование
Investigation – исследование
Aim at – направлять на
Be filled with – быть заполненным, полным
Legitimate signal – истинный, подлинный сигнал
Congested traffic – перегруженный поток
Rule out – исключать
Manmade interference – созданные человеком помехи
False alarms signals – сигналы ложной тревоги
Resemble – напоминать
Be consistent with – соответствовать
Earthly – земной
Intermittently – периодически
Evidence – доказательство
Expand – расширяться
Accumulate – собирать

Answer the questions:
1. When did SETI start? What is this?
2. What is its mission?
3. Where is the Alien telescope array?
4. What are the main problems with SETI when searching for extraterrestrial signals?
5. What was the most famous false alarms signal?
6. What are the prospects of SETI?